Simplified Money vs Currency

Money vs Currency

Money vs Currency

Money and Currency are the most important words in our whole life

Do we know really the difference between them and their history?

The limitations of the Barter system promoted the introduction of Money.

Features of Money should be portable, durable, divisible, and interchangeable.

Money is the medium through which values are expressed.

Currency is the money in circulation in the form of paper or coins.

Barter system to today’s modern economies, we came across a long journey.

Inflation was a regular phenomenon throughout world history.

The other words related to inflation are hyperinflation and deflation.

Inflation types can be demand-pull inflation, cost-push inflation, and built-in inflation.

Hyperinflation means an increase in prices rapidly because of printing too much money.

Deflation means a reduction in demand and supply and thus low economic activity.

    Here below is a primer on the History of “Money vs currency”

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