Original thinkers Procrastinators

Fearless Original thinkers

Original thinkers and procrastinators Have you ever had a thought that hadn’t been thought of by another human before? How can you think of original thoughts? There is a possibility that procrastinators are innovative thinkers with original ideas. Procrastination seems to give them enough time to develop original ideas in Read more…


Recession: What to do?

Recession predictions There are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen Above is a Lenin quote, a perfect statement for doomsday predictors. We live for decades and then die one day, and looks human predicament matches the above statement. I believe death is bigger than anything, Read more…

What Should I Wear in Fall

What Should I Wear

What Should I Wear This Fall? Source nytimes.com By Vanessa FriedmanWhat you are seeing is not actually a chaotic mix of every trend under the sun but two large and related overarching trends.First, the rise of self-defined comfort dressing during the last year, when most people were stuck at home, Read more…