Important to admit Mental Health Issues
We often pay more attention to physical health issues and in most cultures talking about mental health issues makes people feel shy about it and not open-minded.
The most difficult job is the job of a “Psychiatrist“, Who sees several patients and notices some of them are not ready to cooperate, this creates frustration and suffering for himself.
What is the root cause of mental health issues? We are not an authoritative source. Therefore, commenting on this is best avoided; however, common sense tells us that it could either be genetic or environmental.
However from a perspective of spirituality and knowledge, if we cultivate knowledge of “Vedantha”, and “Mindfulness” from childhood, it will help to tune our minds to avoid a lot of unnecessary thinking due to ignorance, of course, you need to learn from an authoritative source, please take a note about “University of Applied Vedic sciences“
Ancient Indian philosophy realized the importance of Mental health and how we are tricked by our minds, thus developed techniques like “Yoga”, “Meditation” etc., though their ultimate goal is to give you eternal happiness, however in the process, you will have better mental health if not eternal happiness.
One of the best starting references is a book called “Drig Drishya Viveka“
Here below link contains a good lecture on this subject