Deepfake Artificial Intelligence Beware

Recent news stories about deepfakes in the entertainment world:

  • Deepfakes are being used to create fake celebrity endorsements. In August 2023, a deepfake video of Tom Cruise endorsing a cryptocurrency scam went viral on social media. The video was so realistic that many people were fooled into thinking it was real.
  • Used to create fake celebrity interviews. In July 2023, a video of actor Keanu Reeves giving an interview to a British tabloid went viral. The video was so realistic that many people believed it was real, even though Reeves had never given the interview.
  • Being used to create fake music videos. In June 2023, a music video of singer Billie Eilish performing a new song was posted on YouTube. The video was so realistic that many people believed it was real, even though Eilish had never released the song.
  • Being used to create fake movie trailers. In May 2023, a movie trailer for a new James Bond film was posted on YouTube. The trailer was so realistic that many people believed it was real, even though there is no new James Bond film in production.

These are just a few examples of how deepfakes are being used in the entertainment world. As deepfake technology continues to improve, it is likely that we will see even more sophisticated and convincing deepfakes being created in the future.

Watch the deep fake video of Tom Cruise

In addition to these news stories, there have also been a number of recent developments in the use of deepfakes in the entertainment industry. For example, some companies are now using them to create virtual actors for films and TV shows. Others are using them to create new versions of classic films with different casts.

While there are some potential benefits to using deepfakes in the entertainment industry, there are also some potential risks. For example, They could be used to create fake news or propaganda. They could also be used to impersonate celebrities and damage their reputations.

It is important to be aware of the potential risks of deepfakes and to be able to identify them. There are a number of resources available online that can help you do this.

Image credit

Owlsmcgee, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons