Brief sneak-peak about “The Idol TV series on HBO”
The Idol is an American drama television series created by Sam Levinson, The Weeknd, and Reza Fahim. It premiered on HBO on June 3, 2023. The series follows a young female pop star who begins a complicated relationship with a self-help guru and the leader of a modern-day cult.
The series stars Lily-Rose Depp, The Weeknd, Troye Sivan, Anne Heche, Melanie Lynskey, and Steve Zissis. It has received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the performances and Levinson’s direction, while others criticizing the show’s dark and disturbing subject matter.
It is the latest collaboration between Levinson and HBO. Levinson previously created and directed the acclaimed HBO series Euphoria. The Idol is also the first major acting role for Depp, who is the daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis.
The Idol is a six-episode limited series. The first two episodes were released on June 3, 2023, with subsequent episodes released weekly.
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