Kalyan Matka Capital of India.

Kalyan Matka capital of Mumbai

Kalyan in Mumbai, a city in Maharashtra, India, is known for its notorious activities of gambling and betting. The city has gained the reputation of being “The Matka Capital of India.” Matka gambling, also known as satta matka, is an illegal form of gambling that originated in the city in the 1960s. The game involves selecting numbers from a matka, which is a pot, and the numbers are drawn at random. Let’s explore the origins and the rise and fall of matka gambling in Kalyan Mumbai.

The word ‘Satta’ stands for betting and ‘Matka’ stands for pot. It means a betting pot. Due to the high demand of Satta Mataka in India, Sattta King is one of the top gambling websites in India with a daily traffic of 10 million individuals. The term ‘Satta’ is usually translated to ‘Gambling’ in Hindi, while the term ‘Matka’ refers to a pot used for drawing numbers.

Kalyan Mumbai: The Origins of Matka Gambling

Kalyan Mumbai was a hub for the textile industry during the 1960s. Workers would often indulge in gambling to pass the time. One such game was matka gambling, which became popular among the working-class population of the city. The game involved betting on numbers drawn from a matka. The Matka would contain slips of paper with numbers written on them, and the winning number was declared only at the end of the day.

The game was initially played informally, with people gathering in small groups to play. However, as the popularity of the game increased, it became more organized, and bookies started taking bets from the players. The bookies would keep a percentage of the bets as commission and pay out the winnings to the players.

The game of matka became so popular that it spread to other cities in India. Mumbai became the hub of the matka gambling industry since it was the center of the textile industry. The game was played openly on the streets, and people from different sections of society participated in it.

The Rise and Fall of Matka in Kalyan Mumbai

In the 1970s, the government of Maharashtra banned matka gambling, and it went underground. However, the game continued to be played, and it became more organized. The bookies moved from the streets to offices and started using telephones to take bets.

The game of matka reached its peak in the 1980s. It was estimated that the industry generated around Rs. 500 crore in revenue every month. The game had become so popular that it penetrated all sections of society, from the working class to the elite.

However, the game of matka started to decline in the 1990s. The government of Maharashtra took strict measures to curb the industry, and the police began to crack down on the bookies. The rise of the internet and online gambling also contributed to the decline of the industry.

Today, matka gambling is illegal in India, and the industry has largely been wiped out. The city of Kalyan Mumbai, which was once known as the matka capital of India, has now become a shadow of its former self. The streets that were once lined with matka bookies are now empty, and the industry has moved online.

Despite the decline of the industry, matka gambling remains part of the city’s history. The game was an important aspect of the city’s culture, and it has left an indelible mark on the city’s identity.

In conclusion, Kalyan Mumbai’s reputation as the matka capital of India is based on a dubious distinction. The game of matka, which originated in the city, became a part of the city’s culture and history. However, the industry declined due to government measures and the rise of online gambling. Today, Kalyan Mumbai has moved on from its past, but the memories of the matka gambling industry still linger.

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