Top 10 New CyberSecurity Products

Here are some of the new cybersecurity products that have been launched recently

CrowdStrike Counter Adversary Operations (CAO): This product uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to help organizations detect and respond to advanced threats. It can identify and track malicious actors across their entire attack lifecycle, from initial reconnaissance to post-exploitation.

Skyhawk Security Shift-left CDR: This product helps organizations automate and improve their cloud security posture. It can identify and remediate cloud misconfigurations, monitor cloud usage for anomalies and investigate cloud security incidents.

Cado New timeline view: This product provides a new way to visualize and analyze security data. The new timeline view makes it easier to see how events unfold over time, and to identify patterns and relationships between different events.

Cycode Extended ASPM, IDE plugin: This product helps organizations secure their software development lifecycle. The extended ASPM feature provides more granular security controls for code reviews, and the IDE plugin makes it easy for developers to find and fix security vulnerabilities in their code.

Cycode API Security: This is a new application in the Checkmarx One application security platform that helps developers secure their APIs throughout the software development lifecycle. It can automatically identify API endpoints, discover unknown APIs, compare APIs with their documentation, and provide remediation guidance for API vulnerabilities and risks.

Cybereason MDR: This is a managed detection and response mobile application that gives security personnel SOC-like control capabilities to stop active hacking operations. It uses a malicious operation (MalOp) detection engine to generate detailed intelligence for an attack, how it maps to the MITRE ATT&CK framework, and its threat level.

Netrise SBOM features and KEV support: Netrise is an extended Internet of Things (XIoT) security platform that has added ingestion support for two major software bill of materials (SBOM) formats, SPDX and CycloneDX. It also overlays CISA’s key exploited vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog data on the information gathered in the platform to help identify and prioritize known exploits.

ThreatConnect Intelligence Requirement Capabilities: ThreatConnect is a threat intelligence operations platform that has enhanced its machine-learning-powered capabilities with new intelligence requirement features. These features help customers define, manage, and track their intelligence requirements (IRs), priority intelligence requirements (PIRs), and requests for information (RFIs), and solve the problem of siloed and ad-hoc threat intelligence production.

Intruder: Cloud-based Vulnerability Scanner

Biden-Harris Administration Cybersecurity Labeling Program: This is a new initiative announced by the White House to create a cybersecurity labeling program for smart devices to protect American consumers. The program will be voluntary and will provide consumers with information about the security features and practices of IoT devices. The program will also encourage manufacturers and retailers to adopt higher standards of security for their products.

These are just a few of the many new cybersecurity products that have been launched recently. As the threat landscape continues to evolve, organizations need to be prepared to adopt new technologies to protect themselves from cyber-attacks.

It is not about buying new cybersecurity products, it is about making a decision based on your security needs is more important after careful evaluation.